Wednesday, December 2, 2009



sleep few times in a day~
I just feel very sleepy and tired
sleeping and sleeping lol
coz really free and nothing to do
I must plan something to fill my free time lo
Later not become sleeping beauty but is sleeping *P!G* lol


I watched this movie
"Sex and the city"
This is a year 2008 movie
A quite long movie lol~about 2 hours and 15 mins
The story is talk about 4 girls
and their relationship with their boyfriend and husband
And also mentioned how to maintain a relationship and a marriage
The main character is Sarah Jessica Parker and name Carrie inside the movie

Actually all of those problem inside the movie
that can be found by us in our daily life
But most important is depends on us how to solve it
If we are stubborn or just opinionated
then maybe will make us lose a lot of things
So,just try to treasure and put more understanding to your partner
That's a most important things to maintain a relationship


I just know this from healthy campus
about the date will announce the result of final exam
It's stated on 11/12/09 is the temporary result(just know pass of fail)
And the confirm final result will announce on 22/12/09
Sometime I really worried about this~
But I know worried is useless...



Anonymous said...

I watched that movie already also..

damn funny..especially the 'sushi' part..


nice movie. means something in our life.

Jamie Chip said...


That sushi damn funny de lol!